Candace Borg Allied Health

Naturopathy and Nutrition | Natural Fertility | HypnoBirthing

Naturopathy & Nutrition

Naturopathy not only treats the symptoms, but also aims to address the cause, severity, duration and reoccurrence of the condition. What does this mean for you? It means you get better quicker and have better health for longer!

Natural Fertility Management

In NFM you will learn how to listen to your body so that you understand the ins and outs of your menstrual cycle, empowering you to recognise exactly what is normal for you. It was also teach you about when your fertile window is.


No matter if this is your first child or you have had other births before that didn’t go to plan, Melbourne HypnoBirthing® can help you achieve the birth you desire.

Book Your Appointment

Appointments available in person at Northcote or via Zoom or Phone.