You are about to embark on one of the most important journeys of your life. This time is exciting but yet there are so many choices to make, questions you may have. No matter if you are planning on having a child or are currently pregnant, Melbourne HypnoBirthing® can help you.
The birth of your child is not an event to be feared. It is to be celebrated. Enjoyed. It is a natural process that thousands of woman do daily around the world. With Melbourne HypnoBirthing®, your pregnancy and birth can be calm, gentle, and the wonderful process it was meant to be. No matter if this is your first child or you have had other births before that didn’t go to plan, Melbourne HypnoBirthing® can help you achieve the birth you desire.
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is successfully teaching woman and their birthing partners how to birth naturally in 45 countries around the world! So join the revolution and birth your baby using the HypnoBirthing® way!
Upcoming Courses
All courses run from Northcote Natural Therapies* weekly for 5 weeks. There currently is a maximum of 4 pairs per group course to ensure social distancing can be maintained.
Private courses are available by request. To arrange a private course please email [email protected]
For course dates and times, head to our website
HypnoBirthing Practitioners who are qualified under The Mongan Method are highly qualified birthing professionals who have distinguished themselves through education, motivation, dedication and experience to the philosophy and principles of HypnoBirthing and mother-directed birthing. To maintain qualification, the Practitioner must meet the requirements set by the Executive Board of the HypnoBirthing Institute annually.
Candace Borg has completed a Biomedical Degree, a Naturopathy Degree and has done courses in Natural Fertility Managament as well as HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method. Therefore you can be assured that Candace can support you through every stage of your pregnancy. It is Candace’s passion to help people fall pregnant, have the most wonderful pregnancy they can, a wonderful birthing experience and continue to support the wonderful family post birth. Candace works alongside those going through IVF or those who are on other medications to help support their health.
Hypno in HypnoBirthing
What puts ‘hypno’ in HypnoBirthing you may ask? During the course you and your birthing partner learn how to perform self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is a relaxed state where concentration and focus are present however the concept of time disappears. It is like being in the movie theatre and being engrossed in everything that is happening on the screen. You are aware and focused however a 2 hour movie can feel like it passes in half the time. You are fully in control, aware of your surroundings, able to carry out conversation and able to hear instructions, support and encouragement your birthing partner or others may give you. You are also aware of what your body is doing. As you are more relaxed and allowing your body to do what nature intended, there is less chance of any special circumstances arising. However, should special circumstances arise, you are able to make decisions about what is the best way to proceed for you and your baby.
As you are aware and relaxed, as soon as the baby is born, you are able to bond with your child immediately.
Your Choices in Birthing
We know you have many choices and many decisions to make for your birthing experience. You have choices in selecting your care provider; you have choices in selecting the environment in which you will bring your baby into the world.
Another important choice is that of the childbirth education classes you will choose to prepare for the birth of your baby. We know you will be happy with your choice of HypnoBirthing.
What You Will Learn In HypnoBirthing Classes
Unit 1: Building A Positive Expectancy
- Introduction to the remarkable HypnoBirthing® philosophy
- The History of Women and Birthing
- Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing
- How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth
- How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
- The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
- Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos
Unit 2: Falling in Love with Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body
- The remarkable mind of your newborn baby—Prenatal bonding techniques
- Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
- Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
- Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
- Selecting the right care provider
- The Birth companion’s role in birthing
- Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning
Unit 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby
- Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
- Preparing the Body for Birthing
- Light Touch Labor Massage
- Your body working for and with you
- Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labor
- Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Unit 4: An overview of Birthing – A Labor of Love
- Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
- Birth explained simply
- Settling in at the hospital or birthing center
- Preparing for home birth – or baby’s choice of birth
- As labor moves along – passing time through labor
- Hallmarks of labor
- If labor rests or slows – Companion’s prompts and activities
- As labor advances – birthing with your baby
- Protecting the natural birthing experience
- Birth rehearsal imagery
Unit 5: Birth – Breathing Love – Bringing Life
- Moving into birthing
- Positions for descent and birthing
- Breathing baby down to birth
- Baby moves to the breast
- Family bonding with your baby
Taking HypnoBirthing classes is strongly encouraged for the most optimal birthing experience. However, if circumstances make it difficult or impossible for you to attend one of our childbirth education classes, visit our store.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Should I Start Classes?
You can begin your HypnoBirthing classes at any time, but we recommend that if possible, you start your classes between weeks 15 and 30 of pregnancy. This will give you enough time to practise the techniques you will learn during the classes. If you’d prefer to start classes earlier or later in your pregnancy, that is perfectly fine!
Who Do I Bring to Classes?
Bring your birth companion(s) and of course, yourself and that beautiful bubs to be. Your birth companion(s) can be your partner, midwife, doula, mother, sister, friend or whoever you intend to have by your side during the birth of your child. The limit is two birthing partners per mother. You can also do the classes by yourself if you’d prefer.
How is the Birth Companion involved?
The birth companion helps to prepare the mother for birth by assisting her in performing her relaxation techniques required during labour and birth. The birth companion also helps the mother during the birthing process by helping her to feel comfortable, bringing her anything she needs (like water) and also by offering support and reassurance to the mother should the mother forget the breathing techniques learned during the HypnoBirthing course. It is also the role of the birth companion to liaise with the mother and health professionals during the birthing process.
Is HypnoBirthing different from other childbirth preparation classes?
Yes it is. Other childbirth preparation classes educate you about what can potentially go ‘wrong’ with your pregnancy, about pain management and other interventions that can be given to you during your birth. HypnoBirthing teaches you how to listen to your birthing body and follow it’s lead during the birth of your child. HypnoBirthing also empowers and educates women and their birthing partners about the birth process, what to expect and what questions to ask so that they can achieve the birth they desire alongside their health care providers. This empowerment helps women and their birthing partners to feel comfortable, calm and instead of fear the upcoming birth, get excited about it. As a result, births are usually shorter in duration, have less medical intervention and are actually enjoyed by both mother and birthing partner. When we have fear during birth, our body tenses which creates pain. Clench your fist (as you were if you were frightened), now try to pass a pen through your clenched hand….it’s not easy! HypnoBirthing helps to release that fear with relaxation techniques, guided meditations, visualisations and by educating you about the ins and outs of what your body does during the birthing process so that you don’t clench, but instead relax and open.
Should I Still Attend Ante-Natal Classes?
It is entirely up to you. In HypnoBirthing, we discuss all aspects of birth so do discuss the need for interventions should special circumstances arise.
My Obstetrician/midwife is not familiar with hypnobirthing. Can I still do HypnoBirthing?
Of course you can. The good news is, most Obstetricians and midwives are now recommending HypnoBirthing. However, if they are unfamiliar, you will learn all the techniques needed in your HypnoBirthing class to help you talk to your health care providers about your birth plan. You can also invite your health care providers to your HypnoBirthing course. We also run education nights at hospitals for midwifes and Obstetricans so if you feel this may benefit your birth, please talk to us about how we can help to inform your health care providers about what HypnoBirthing is.
Can I do HypnoBirthing if I choose to have a C-section or if I plan on having an epidural?
Absolutely. During the HypnoBirthing course, you will learn relaxation techniques that will be useful to both you and your baby, pre, during and post birth, regardless of how you plan on birthing your child.
I want a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean), can HypnoBirthing help?
Yes it can. For all the reasons mentioned above ????
Will I remember my birth?
Of course you will. Self-hypnosis is just a way to describe the deep state of relaxation that you will be in. You will be aware of everything that is going on around you and will be able to respond and communicate with anyone you choose. Just like doing meditation, you are aware of everything around you but you can still clear your mind and relax despite that. As you will be more relaxed, you will actually be more alert and focused at the time of your birth. You will also have more energy as you won’t be wasting any energy on being anxious or nervous.
Does HypnoBirthing mean pain free or silent birth?
We do not promise a pain free birth, however most HypnoBirthing mothers report that although there was a lot of pressure felt during their birth, they felt in control and relaxed. They can feel discomfort, however rarely report to being in pain but rather that the sensations they felt they could manage easily using the techniques they had learnt during the course. HypnoBirthing mothers birth in many different ways. Some find power in their voice and are louder, some only make deep breathing noises. All births are individual and unique to that mother and bub to be.
HypnoBirthing is becoming more and more popular and many hospitals, Obstetricians and Midwives are recommending HypnoBirthing to their expecting mothers. Why is this? It is because HypnoBirthing mothers make the birthing process a whole lot easier for them! The atmosphere in a HypnoBirthing room is calm, relaxed, positive, which is a pleasure to be apart of.
However there are some caregivers who are not familiar with HypnoBirthing or not trained in it. This is ok. Take this opportunity to discuss with them your birthing plans and the type of environment you would like to bring your baby into. During the HypnoBirthing classes, you will be given the tools to do this. You will be given templates of letters and checklists that you can fill out and give to your care givers. Melbourne HypnoBirthing is also constantly talking to and introducing HypnoBirthing to many hospitals. We are also very happy to have Obsetricians and Midwives sit in on our classes.
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is based on thousands of years of birthing history. It is not a new concept but rather a rebirth of the way birthing used to be. We don’t have to go that far back in history to see mothers birthing their children without the use of anaesthesia or other medical interventions that are considered ‘normal’ in today’s birthing stories. In fact, in many countries around the world today, anaesthesia and other medical interventions are not an option, so how is it that those mothers can do it? Have you ever seen an animal give birth? How is it that they seem in control, calm and relaxed?
The HypnoBirthing® method teaches you how the birthing muscles work when they are calm and relaxed, the way they were designed to work, unlike the resistance muscles feel when fear and tension is present. With your birthing muscles working in a calm way, in the absence of special medical circumstances, birth doesn’t have to be associated with severe pain. Impossible? No, it is possible because a state of calm helps muscles to release natural endorphins rather than stress hormones which constrict muscles and cause pain. It is like holding a mango. The tighter your hand, the harder it is for the mango to fall through your fingers. Relax your hand and the mango will fall through your grip much easier. HypnoBirthing® teaches you how to achieve this state of relaxation while maintaining control and being completely aware of your surroundings and of your body’s natural instincts. You will not be asleep or in a trance, nor will you cluck like a chicken… HypnoBirthing® is not theatrical hypnosis.
For most of our lives, we have been told many horror stories of birthing. We watch movies where birthing is perceived to be painful, dramatic, awful. It is these images of birth we take into the birthing suite. We believe that birth cannot occur without pain. It is this fear that results in our bodies becoming tight, constricted. Birthing through a tight and constricted birthing canal results in a long, painful birth that can often be met with intervention. So let’s turn back the clock. Let’s recondition ourselves. Let’s remove the fear and allow our bodies to do what nature designed them to do. Birth in a natural manner where the mother is calm, confident, in control and most importantly brings her child into this world in a safe way. Whether you choose to birth at home, in hospital or a birthing center, Melbourne HypnoBirthing® will help you achieve this result.
How Is This Achieved?
In only a few short classes , Melbourne HypnoBirthing teaches you and your birthing partner how to dismiss fear, myths and unlock any misinformation you have been told. Using teaching techniques such as self-hypnosis, visualisation, positive thinking, relaxation methods and breathing techniques the classes are easy, fun, interactive and educational. You will learn methods you can use far beyond the birth of your child to help promote calmness, clarity and relaxation. You will also learn about your birthing body and how to help have a healthy pregnancy, birth and post birth. You don’t need to have any prior experience in hypnosis or any special skills. You will learn all you need to know within the classes.
The classes will leave you feeling empowered, in control, relaxed and confident about your birthing experience. This will lesson and in most cases eliminate the need for pain medications and/or interventions. Thus you birth easier, in some cases quicker and many women report there was no ‘recovery’ after birth because there was nothing to ‘recover’ from.
Videos & Research
Melbourne HypnoBirthing encourages you to have a look at the HynoBirthing videos. These videos are from ordinary people, just like you who were interested in having a calm birth and attended HypnoBirthing classes.
Below is a list of various research that has been conducted recently on the effects of Hypnosis on birthing. For more information, please contact us.
“Hypnosis for pain relief in labour and childbirth: a systematic review”, Cyan, AM et al, Adelaide, Australia – British Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2004
“Complementary and alternative therapies for pain management in labour”, Smith, CA et al, Adelaide, Australia – Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, October 2006.
“The effect of hypnosis on pain relief during labour and childbirth in Iranian pregnant women”, Abbasi et all, Middlesex, UK – International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, April 2009
“Hypnosis for childbirth: a retrospective comparative analysis of outcomes in one obstetrician’s practice”, Vandevuss, J et al, Milwaukee, USA – American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, October 2007
“Salient finding: hypnotisability as core construct and the clinical utility of hypnosis”, Barabasz, A et al, Washington, USA – International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, July 2007.
“Antenatal self-hypnosis for labour and childbirth: a pilot study”, Cyan, AM et al, Adelaide, Australia – Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, August 2006
“Hypnosis to facilitate uncomplicated birth”, Mehl-Madrona LE, Tuscan USA – The Americal Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, April 2004

HypnoBirthing Courses

Group HypnoBirthing Course
Group HypnoBirthing Course
with Candace Borg