Raising a veg/vegan child

Cb Candace Borg

Raising a veg/vegan child

with Candace Borg

Learns the ins and outs to raising a child on a plant based diet.

Consult Description

Whether you are a already raising your child on a plant based diet or plan to, this webinar discusses all the ins and outs about vegan nutrition in infancy, childhood and adolescents. Learn about what nutrients are important for growth and optimal health in children and how you achieve this on a plant based diet. To book Webinar - email candace@northcotenaturaltherapies.com

Cancellation Policy

To cancel, reschedule, or change your appointment from online to in person or vice versa, please contact us on 0408355484.

Please note that there is a late cancellation fee if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice. We know that life throws curve balls and you can’t always avoid a late cancellation so we’ll be reasonable with this policy.

But please try to give us at least 24 hours notice so that the time your therapist has blocked off for you may be offered to someone else who might be on the cancellation list.

Thank you.